Monday, August 12, 2013

Looks like a house now..

We had some awesome help from Sasha and Cedar~ Thanks guys, the sheathing looks great!
So it's August (!) and we are s l o w l y moving along.. we finished putting up the TJI's on one side of the roof today, in the wind(of course).
And onwards- hopefully we will have a covered roof by the end of this week!
Here's a link to a panoramic view- you can click and drag the mouse to see all around- it's pretty cool.

and to pictures...


  1. What a fantastic panoramic show of the new construction! Looks great, can just imagine the dust and wind all around. Do you have an architect plan of the building to come on paper? Anyways, exciting to follow the newest home-to-be on the Mesa! Who is taking care of the little fellow, the cutest in the family? Hugs, MOM
