Monday, September 30, 2013

Bringing in the Music.

We have had awesome musicians as extra special house guests... and we did put them to work, helping with the house. They set up and played in the skeleton of the new house, bringing in the music to our new home.  It has been a sweet time- thank you Brent and Grey!
On a more technical note we have managed to cover the house with tar paper (thank you to Mister Johnny C. and his buddy, and Oswald) as well as a few sheet of the white foam, R10 for the outside of the house. We are about to order all the metal for the roof and walls, which will be the last step, other than window install, to really get closed in!
We have had our electricians help us out and the wiring is almost done as well.
Kodiak had his 3rd birthday and promised to put in some more time building as well.
It's moving along, albeit slowly~ as the tarantulas are out now, which is the first sign of FALL out here on the mesa.

Thank you to Tomiko Jones for the beautiful pictures below as well!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Getting Sealed Up...

We are almost "in" as they say in the construction world- which means that we have walls and a roof. That really means about 1/3 (at best) of the way to a finished home.
As I have been taking on some of the framing, elbows allowing( pneumatic nail guns are brutal to the body) we are getting all of the walls in place as well as out ROOF! We used a new type of roof underlayment- it's plastic like rather than tar paper- holds up better. Just in time, as the weather is showing us a preview of what is to come- rain, some colder days and the beginning of Fall.
If our bodies hold up a few more months we will be well on our way into a new home. Good thing for that hot tub..

Pics of the "new house" as we don't have a good name for it yet.

Facing East

From the Road

Kodiak's room

Calle Serena View w. Lobster

Looking out to the Sangres

Bedroom and part of the mud room(right)

Looking into the living room from the bath.