Monday, July 29, 2013

Atlas, the Crane Truck, Helping Hands and Nail Guns.

So the framing goes slowly, but it goes. A few hiccups later, we have finished the exterior framing and set the beam and are finishing the interior framing(minimal). Thanks to laboring friends (Joseph!) and very handy crane trucks (Atlas), as well as expert crane operators (Christian) this phase is almost done. As we move into August (yikes), we have just a few more things to do (wink wink). By the next post the house will look radically different, with sheathing and a roof!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


This is always a fun part of house building, as you can now actually see the house from the road... slow going but I will keep posting some pics as we move along. 

 And this is the new K-shack site- ready for visitors! You can see the new house going up behind it.