There comes a time when not only is it important to work on the "house" but it's equally important to live on the new land in whatever way possible at the time. We did that last night by having our first meal (picnic stylie) near the house site and having a really sweet time at it. We are currently on hold on the building as we are getting our sculptures ready for Maker Faire in the Bay area. Two huge pieces are going- The Hand of Man and Caged Pulse Jets Rev3~ and one small piece, Kodiak. Lots to do in the shop but we are both anxious to get back to building when the faire is over!
And, thanks to the dogs, we have a complete set of building tools for the foundation, including a very dried out deer hoof.
Yesterday we moved my shipping container from the old land to the new land, about 100 yards with the forklift. Christian is an excellent forklift driver and thanks to that nothing really bad happened. He did find out that the container was in fact to big for the forklift as it tipped the rear tires right off the ground, making it impossible to steer (and very scary looking)... With a seatbelt on and the rear tires barely on the ground he managed to drive it into place and place it perfectly- bumps and all. It will now act as a storage for supplies for the build- and some shade for us builders as well. I know that this is only the first in along series of crazy steps in the move and the house build, so we had a beer at our local brewery and felt a tiny bit more relaxed afterwards. Today we are going to level the foundation with the help of a transit and get this show on the road!!
So, I though it would be appropriate to share what the first and second houses looked like- and some of the amazingly fun times we have had there. I have uploaded pictures for the curious here: and for the GearHouse here: The first house, on Tres Orejas took almost ten years in the making, but in the end it was such a sweet house. It passed through several hands and is now well taken care of by an artist lady from down under. Home number 1.5 is the 7'X10' shack we built to live in while working on the second house, the GearHouse. Living in the K-shack (we called it that after Ted Kaczynski's little hide out shack) were some of the simplest best times had. We had an outdoor kitchen, and an outdoor shower (my favorite). The second house, The GearHouse is still our home to date. We will move out of here to the new house in the Fall/Winter. Amazing parties, music and art events have been had here, and it has been such a labor of love. It is the GearHouse on Weirdo Land~ and I hope it lives up to that for decades to come.